Songs that have caused trouble, even legal, to musicians

The history of music is full of episodes focused on songs considered controversial.

The Beatlesknow something about it, repeatedly accused of inserting questionable messages in their songs if listened to backwards. But Ozzy Osbourneknows it too, who was even dragged to court for one of his famous songs. Among the other musicians and bands who have been accused because of their songs and the messages, more or less direct, they communicated, there are also the Led Zeppelin accused of being a satanic musical group and the Judas Priest.

In the list there are also Nirvana of Kurt Cobain.

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The Ozzy Osbourne case
In 1984 a 19-year-old boy took his own life and Ozzy Osbourne, of which he was a fan, was accused of incitement to the act because of one of his songs, which the boy would have listened to before making the gesture. After years of judicial trouble, Osbourne and others involved were finally acquitted in 1992.
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Controversy over a song by Nirvana
Kurt Cobain and Nirvana were charged because of a song from the album In Utero. Although Cobain stated that the song in question was written against the abuse suffered by women, many groups of women and victims of this abuse protested against the lyrics of the song.
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The Beatles and reverse messages in the songs
Among the many records of Beatles there is also that of having been accused several times of having inserted controversial messages within their songs, when heard in reverse. They have been accused of this well-known songs such as Revolution #9, I'm so tired and Blackbird.
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The Led Zeppelin accused of being satanic
Several bands have been accused, over the years, of sending satanic messages. Among these the Led Zeppelin with Stairway to heaven but also another historical group like the Eagles.
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Judas Priest on trial
In 1990 the Judas Priest were dragged to court because of the song Better by you, Better than me. According to the parents of two deceased boys, it was this song that instigated them to take their own lives. The band was later acquitted.
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