Music: five surprising curiosities that are little known

Music is a universal art that unites all cultures of the world. Every day, millions of people listen to songs, dance and sing at concerts, but not everyone knows that the world of music hides many amusing curiosities.

In this photo gallery we reveal five fun facts you might never have heard about the world of music.

We will find out together what was the most attended free rock concert ever, the time a song was recorded in space and other surprising trivia. If you are a music fan, you can't miss this photo gallery!

Music: 5 surprising curiosities that are little known
Music is a universal art that unites all cultures of the world. Every day, millions of people listen to songs, dance and sing at concerts, but not everyone knows that the world of music hides many amusing curiosities. In this photo gallery we reveal five fun facts you might never have heard about the world of music. We will find out together what was the most attended free rock concert ever, the time a song was recorded in space and other surprising trivia. If you are a music fan, you can't miss this photo gallery!
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In 2016, Mozart sold more CDs than Beyoncé, but...
In October 2016, Universal Music Group released a 200 CD box set to commemorate the 225th anniversary of Mozart's death. The box set, called 'Mozart 225: The New Complete Edition', has sold over 1.25 million copies according to Billboard. However, it must be kept in mind that Billboard counts each album in the box set as a single sale, so in reality only about 6,250 box sets would have been sold. Still a great result. (source: CNN)
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Biggest free rock concert
As confirmed by Guinness World Records, Rod Stewart played in the biggest free rock concert ever. It took place in 1993 on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. That concert was the most attended free concert ever, attended by some 4.2 million people. (source: Guinness World Records)
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In the space
Chris Hadfield released his first album in 2015, which was recorded while he was in orbit in space: at the same time, he also became the first Canadian to walk in space. (source:
None of Beatles could write or read music
As Paul McCartney admitted during a 2018 interview, none of the Beatles could write or read music. (source:
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MacDonald Stradivarius Viola
The MacDonald Stradivarius Viola is the most expensive musical instrument ever offered for sale: its price is $45 million. It is named after its owner in the 19th century. The MacDonald Stradivarius Viola is one of 10 Stradivarius viols worldwide that are in good condition and intact. (source:
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