Jon Bon Jovi turns 61 today: trivia you may not have known about the Bon Jovi frontman

John Francis Bongiovi Jr was born on March 2, 1962, in Perth Amboy (New Jersey). His father was a barber, while his mother was a Playboy Bunny.

To suggest the stage name Jon Bon Jovi to the singer was his mother Carol, according to whom this name would be easier to remember and use.

Jon received his first guitar at the age of seven and from the age of ten began to play it steadily, never giving up music: here are some interesting facts you may not have known about the historic founder of Bon Jovi!

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Happy birthday to Jon Bon Jovi!
John Francis Bongiovi Jr was born on March 2, 1962, in Perth Amboy (New Jersey). His father was a barber, while his mother was a Playboy Bunny. Recommending the stage name Jon Bon Jovi to the singer-songwriter was his mother Carol, according to whom this name would be easier to remember and use. Jon received his first guitar at the age of 7 and from the age of 10 onwards he began to play it steadily, never giving up music: here are some interesting facts you may not have known about the historic founder of Bon Jovi!
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Jon Bon Jovi has Italian, German and Russian origins
Before World War II, the family of his father, John Francis Bongiovi Sr., emigrated from Sicily to the United States. In an interview with at the David Letterman Show, Jon proudly reiterated his Italian origins, also stating that in Sciacca, a town in Sicily where his family originated, there is a namesake of his, the plumber Giovanni Bongiovi. Jon 's mother, on the other hand, Carol Sharkey, has German and Russian origins.
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Jon Bon Jovi started a wine business
In 2017 the musician produced his own wine, called Diving into Hampton Water: it is a rosé blend of Grenache, Cinsault and Mourvèdre, born from the collaboration of Jon with his son Jesse, thanks to the advice of the French winemaker Gérard Bertrand. This wine was elected in 2018 as the best rosé of the year by Wine Spectator, which also included it in the list of the 100 best wines of 2018.
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Jon's idol was Frank Sinatra
Although musically Jon is far from Sinatra, on more than one occasion the frontman of Bon Jovi revealed that his musical idol was indeed Sinatra. In particular, Jon stated that one of his biggest regrets is having missed the opportunity to meet his legend, despite several times having had the chance: according to his own words, Jon was afraid to confront an artist of such a superior level.
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Jon Bon Jovi and football
It is no secret that Jon is a huge fan of the New York Giants. In 2004, however, his passion for football also became a business: in fact, the singer-songwriter co-founded with Richie Sambora, friend and guitarist of Bon Jovi, the Philadelphia Soul, an AFL title-winning franchise in 2008.
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Jon turned down the lead role in the famous film Footloose
After auditioning in 1983, the musician was chosen by Paramount to play the lead role in Footloose. Jon however, turned down the proposal, saying that at that time his only goal was to become a rockstar. Subsequently, however, Jon also pursued an acting career, starring in both films and a number of television series.
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