Marcus Mumford turns 36 today: 5 curiosities about the singer and founder of Mumford & Sons

Marcus Mumford was born on 31 January 1987 in Anheim, California, to English parents. His family returned to England when Marcus was only six months old and grew up in Wimbledon, where he attended the King's College School: here he met Ben Lovett, future member of his band.

The Mumford & Sons have gained popularity worldwide since 2010 with the song Little Lion Man, but the consecration came in 2012, when they released their second album, Babel, which in 2013 won the Grammy Award as album of the year.

Today Marcus Mumford turns 36: here are the curiosities that perhaps you did not know about the singer and musician of the Mumford & Sons.

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Best wishes to Marcus Mumford!
Marcus Mumford was born on 31 January 1987 in Anheim, California, to English parents. His family returns to England when Marcus is only six months old and he grows up in Wimbledon, where he attends the King's College School: here he will meet Ben Lovett, future member of his band. The Mumford & Sons gained worldwide popularity in 2010 with the song Little Lion Man, but the consecration came in 2012, when they released their second album, Babel, which in 2013 won the Grammy Award as album of the year. Today Marcus Mumford turns 36: here are the curiosities that perhaps you did not know about the singer and musician of the Mumford & Sons.
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He admitted that he regretted the name of his band
During an interview with Radio X, Marcus Mumford admitted that he did not like the wording "Mumford & Sons", even saying that the name was rubbish, but the group at the beginning of their career needed a name to play in the pub...
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He is married to actress Carey Mulligan 
Many will remember Carey Mulligan for the film An Education, for which the actress received the first nomination for theOscar, or for playing Daisy Buchanan in the film The Great Gatsby with Leonardo Di Caprio. The couple married in 2012 and are currently expecting their third child.
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Steven Spielberg shot his first music video for a song by Marcus Mumford
After a break from Mumford & Sons, Marcus released a solo album entitled (self-titled) in September 2022. The debut single is called Cannibal and its video clip was made by director Steven Spielberg, who used only one smartphoneto record the video (in a single shot of about 4 minutes).
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In 2012 it was included in a special ranking of Forbes
At 25, Marcus Mumford was included by Forbes magazine in the ranking of the best artists under 30, along with other successful musicians such as Adele and Rihanna.
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He founded "Gentlemen of the Road"
Together with his bandteammates, Marcus Mumford founded Gentlemen of the Road, a live events promotion company and record label. His goal? Realize festivals to be held in cities and villages not normally visited by groups or singers, to enhance the economy and workers of these places. 
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