Kurt Cobain would have turned 56 today: trivia about the unforgettable Nirvana frontman

Kurt D. Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 at Grays Harbor Hospital in Aberdeen, to a family of Irish descent.

Cobain  manifested interest in music as a child: at the age of four he played the piano and sang, and at school he played the drum. Fundamental figure for Kurt is his aunt Mary Fradenburg Earl, a musician who introduced him to music by inviting him to rehearsals at her band and playing him many records.

Kurt Cobain took his own life at the age of only 27 on April 5, 1994, but he will forever remain one of the most important figures in grunge and music in general.

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Kurt Cobain would have turned 56 years old today
Kurt D. Cobain was born on February 20, 1967 at the Grays Harbor Hospital in Aberdeen, to a family of Irish descent. Historical founder and frontman of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain took his own life at the age of only 27 on April 5, 1994, but he will forever remain one of the most important figures in grunge and music in general. Here are some interesting facts about him.
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Kurt Cobain 's aunt was a key figure for him
Mary Fradenburg Earl, a musician and sister of Kurt Cobain's mother, brought her nephew closer to the world of music from an early age. In fact, Auntie often invited the child to rehearsals at her band and let him listen to many records. It was Aunt Mary herself who gave him his first guitar, making her house available to him for rehearsals and recordings. Cobain at the age of four he began playing the piano, while at school he often enjoyed playing drums.
How did the title of the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit"?
Kurt Cobain drew inspiration for the title of this song from a crazy night spent in the company of Kathleen Hanna, his friend and lead singer of the band Bikini Kill. Using spray paint, Kathleen traced the words "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on the wall of Cobain 's house with the intention of ridiculing him. The phrase referred to a deodorant for teenagers that was very popular at the time, "Teen Spirit".
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Quentin Tarantino proposed to Kurt Cobain a role in Pulp Fiction
The director wanted frontman of Nirvana to play the drug dealer Lance in the famous film with John Travolta and Uma Thurman. Kurt, however, was forced to refuse because he was busy recording the album "In Utero". In spite of this, Cobain was honored for this proposal and mentioned Tarantino in the very acknowledgments of the "In Utero" album.
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Kurt Cobain got married in his pajamas to Courtney Love
The two were married in February 1992 at Hawaii, while the singer was pregnant. Courtney wore a dress that belonged to the actress Frances Farner, of whom Kurt was fan to the point that he dedicated a song to her, "Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle" contained in the album "In Utero" ( Cobain and Love 's daughter is also named Frances in honor of the actress). The Nirvana frontman, on the other hand, wore pajamas to his wedding: according to his wife-to-be, he was too lazy to wear a fancy dress.
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Who was Boddah, the person Kurt Cobain addressed in his suicide note?
Boddah was the imaginary friend of Kurt: as a child, the singer claimed that when he got into trouble it was always the fault of this "Boddah". It is unbelievable to think that the famous and tragic letter that Cobain wrote before he committed suicide was symbolically addressed precisely to his imaginary friend...
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