Paul Simon would like to return to tour but hearing problems prevent it

In a recent interview with the 'Times', musician Paul Simon had stated that he had severe hearing problems and how this could affect his artistic activity.

Although he had retired from the music scene in 2018 at the end of a long world tour, and the problem of hearing loss had only come up later, Paul Simon had recently speculated about the possibility of returning to the stage to perform.

Unfortunately, the musician further stated that this possibility seems very remote at the moment.

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Paul Simon's hearing problems
In a recent interview with the 'Times', musician Paul Simon stated that he had severe hearing problems and how this could affect his artistic activity.
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The possibility of returning to the stage
Although he had retired from the music scene in 2018 at the end of a long world tour, and the problem of hearing loss had only come up later, Paul Simon had nevertheless speculated in recent times about the possibility of returning to the stage to perform.
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The attempt so far failed
Unfortunately, the musician further stated that this possibility seems very remote at the moment. Paul Simon returned to talk about his hearing problems during an interview with 'Mojo', in which he revealed that he had been trying to play something with the guys in his band, to see if he could make it but that so far he has not.
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New songs for Paul Simon
Putting live performances aside, barring anything new in the future, Paul Simon would still be composing new music. Three new songs are reportedly currently being written and at least one is already finished.
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The latest album
At the age of 81, Paul Simon could therefore release a new album, which would succeed 'Seven psalms', his fifteenth solo studio album, released in May 2023.
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